We may have access to more information than ever before, but we are still a society, by and large, inundated by rules and living in fear. Cardi B has created her own lane. She is not concerned with rules of what you may consider "proper". She does what she wants, says what she wants, and gets what she wants! How many of us can say the same? Most of us are going to school or to jobs that dictate our daily schedule. Where we must follow a code of behavior, dress and speech that may not jive with who we truly are inside. This is why Cardi B has an entire segment of fans rooting for her who don't even listen to her music! Anxious teens concerned about their futures and adults clinging to a past where job security was a given, look to entertainment as an outlet. In this world of perfect headshots, scripted messaging and beauty standards that seem way out of reach, it's completely refreshing to witness Cardi's meteoric rise. She has successfully made a lane for herself in social media, reality television, hip-hop, scripted television, beauty & fashion! She has done so, by being her AUTHENTIC SELF. You may not be a fan, but you gotta admire her courage and her hustle. RESPECT.